The Quiet Moment for Thoughts: It must be hard for her

Sunday, May 20, 2012

It must be hard for her

We like to create hypothetical questions before we engage to the actual case so that we always "be prepared". 

Before I engage to a relationship, I did throw a hypothetical question to myself:
"Will I able to stay in touch with my bf, If we broke up at the end?" 

It took me few weeks to figure out... And I came out with a conclusion that: No...I can't be friend with my ex-bf...because his shown up will "reminds" me all the good old days...the sweet memories that we had.... 
Thus... To stop all the hard feeling... Ex-bf... will never walks into my life again..

And I did stay "out of touch" with all the ex-es I had....
I tried to avoid the "outing" or 'meeting" with them, if possible....
As meeting them face to face creates an awkward atmosphere between "him" and myself... 
And sometimes, you have no choice to fake your "smile" just to show your courtesy and actually, your heart is crying... 
I just can't take it... seriously....

And that's why... I feel what "she" did today... It's really cool....

It's "her" ex-bf's birthday today... and we're going to have a short celebration with her ex-bf with the ex-bf's current gf. 
I wonder why she can still remain Happy and Smile in front of everyone... Helping us to take the group photos...

It must be kinda hard for her, right? But she still smile and stay cool...
and the night was by such a graceful lady...


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